What Does It Mean When Our Eyelid witches?


We all know it: every now and then our eyelids begin to twitch for some unknown reason. Click on the video and see what (harmless) reasons can be behind the flutter.

Who enters the term “eyelid twitching” at Google, gets a number of causes for the nervous flutter called. We want to ignore brain tumors, hyperthyroidism, high blood pressure and neurological disorders – and limit ourselves to the harmless reasons for the eyelid flutter. These triggers are eligible for the complaints:


1. stress

Stress is an obvious cause of eyelid twitching – not infrequently, the occasional twitch is also considered the initial signal for stress. Why it is like that? In stress situations, the body releases hormones such as adrenaline or cortisol, which put the entire body and nerves under high tension. Particularly sensitive nerves on the eye react with a fluttering of the eyelid muscle to the impulses. If you notice a nervous twitch, you should definitely take a break.


2. fatigue and over-exertion

Eyelid twitching is also a sign of lack of sleep. The organism can not regenerate sufficiently when sleep is lacking. And that often shows on irritated nerves and overstrained eyes. Often our eyes are overworked even at VDU work by the long staring at the monitor. In this case, it is advisable to abstain from TV, smartphone and computer – or rely on the following exercises.

3. Magnesium deficiency

magnesium deficiency often manifests itself in the nervous fluttering of the eyelid . This deficiency negatively affects the communication between muscle and nerve, which can ultimately cause the eye to twitch. However, proper nutrition helps to control these deficiencies. Magnesium-rich foods include: nuts, oatmeal, beans, spinach and sunflower seeds.

In general, the triggering factors such as smoking, alcohol or lack of sleep can often be remedied. However, if the twitch persists for several days, a doctor should be consulted. Because in this case, the eyelid twitching can be a sign of a serious illness.