What does “N/A” mean? meaning and use


You stumbled across the abbreviation “N/A” on the computer and don’t know what that means? We’ll tell you what’s behind it and how you use it.

What does “N/A” mean? (Source: Rawpixel / depositphotos.com)

This means “N/A”: not available, not applicable, no answer

The abbreviation “N/A” generally stands for “not available”, but it can also mean “not applicable” or “no answer”. It expresses that certain information is missing and can be specified as the online status for messenger services if a person is not available or reachable at the moment.

This is how “N/A” is used

“N/A” is used in various situations, such as in chat or as a status indicator. However, you can also come across the abbreviation in Excel spreadsheets if information is missing or a calculation is not possible due to an error. In English-language forms and interviews, “N/A” is also used as an abbreviation if no information can be given for a question.


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Here are some examples of using “N/A”:

  • #N/A Error or #N/A error value in Excel
  • Second Name: N/A (in the English language form)
  • Person A: “Wyd this weekend? Gamble?”
  • Person B: “I’m going away for the weekend so I’m N/A, sry.”

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