What does “Quid” mean? Meaning and Usage


Have you ever heard the term “Quid” while shopping? We will explain both the meaning and the usage to you.

Do you recognize the “Quids” in this picture? We explain the meaning and usage to you. (Source: siavramova / depositphotos.com)

The meaning of “Quid”:

“Quid” is the informal name for a British pound sterling. A pound sterling is often referred to as “a pound”, while “quid” is used as a plural form, similar to “dollars” and “dollars”. So a “quid” is a pound, and multiple pounds are called “quids.”

The term “Quid” is used in everyday language to refer to money or the value of a pound. It is a common term that is used in many areas of daily life.


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How to use “Quid”:

“Quid” is used in informal conversation and everyday life to indicate money or the value of a pound.

Here are some examples of using “Quid”:

  • “Can you lend me fifty quid?”
  • “How much quid does that cost?”

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