What does “Sneaky Link” mean? meaning and use


Someone told you about their “Sneaky Link” and you have no idea what the term means? Here you can learn more about its meaning and use.

What does “Sneaky Link” mean? (Source: deagreez1 / depositphotos.com)

The phrase “sneaky link” is a dating term. It is made up of the English words “sneaky” which means “sneaky” or “secret” and the verb “to link”. The latter means “to meet someone” or “to connect with someone” in German.

So, a “sneaky link” is a secret date or affair that no one on the outside should know about. One reason for this could be that one of the parties involved has a permanent partner and does not want to be caught cheating.


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However, it is also possible that both parties involved want to keep the relationship on the DL in front of their friends or families for other reasons. It often plays a role that they don’t want to hear stupid comments about the affair.

So if you’re single and have a secret date or a relationship with someone else, you can call it a “sneaky link.” It doesn’t matter whether you’re talking about a discrete ONS or a long-term thing. As long as no one else should know about it, it is a “sneaky link”.

We’ve collected a few examples of how to use “Sneaky Link” for you here:

  • “Hey, who are you actually seeing tonight? Is she cute?”
  • “I won’t tell you that, I didn’t call it a Sneaky Link for nothing.”
  • “Would you like to be my Sneaky Link? I’m just not in the mood to tell my friends about our meetings. They’re just annoying.”
  • “I can understand that well, so why not? Nobody needs to know first of all.”

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