What does “time to shine” mean? meaning and use


Have you come across the expression “time to shine” on social media and don’t know what that means? We’ll tell you what it means and how to use it.

What does “time to shine” mean? (Source: aarrttuurr / depositphotos.com)

That means “time to shine”: time to shine / show what you can do!

Literally translated, “time to shine” means “time to shine”. However, the expression is used in a more figurative sense and should mean something like “Show what you can do!” or “This is your moment”. It is meant to express that a person has a chance at a certain moment to prove their abilities.

This is how “time to shine” is used

“Time to shine” is used before a special task or challenge and is intended to provide motivation or encouragement. For example, if someone has a casting, an exam, or an important job interview, you can use the phrase to express your support in front of that person. You can also say “time to shine” to yourself when you are faced with a challenging situation.


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Here are a few examples of how to use the expression:

  • “Today is your big casting: time to shine! I believe in you, keep calm.”
  • “I’m on my way to the interview now. Time to shine! I’ll hug you tight, hdl.”

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