What does “True Story” mean? meaning and use


The term “True Story” is being used on the Internet and you don’t know what that means? Here you can find out what is behind the expression and learn how to use it.

What does “True Story” mean? (Source: VitalikRadko / depositphotos.com)

That means “True Story”: really true / believe me

The English expression “True Story” has found its way into young people’s language. Literally translated, it means “true story”. However, “True Story” is not used literally. It means more like “really true,” “can you believe me,” or “no shit,” and is most commonly used as a commentary on a true story that one might have doubts about.

This is how “True Story” is used

So “True Story” can be used as an affirmation of a true story. You can also use the expression on social media if you read a tweet or post that you find particularly aptly worded. It can also be used in conversations with friends. In both of these cases, “True Story” serves as a sort of expression of approval.


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We have formulated a few examples for you here:

  • “And then he drove into my car anyway, even though I honked loudly beforehand. True story, fml!”
  • “Çüş, apparently we were all wrong about her.”
  • “True story!”

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