What does your cuddling position reveal about your relationship?

love types
The way you cuddle reveals about your relationship

© Olena Yakobchuk / Shutterstock

How you cuddle with your sweetheart says more about your partnership than you think. Don’t you cuddle at all? Oops, now that’s stupid…

Admittedly, one can argue about that. But let’s lean out the window and claim: not cuddling with your partner is worse than no sex at all! Okay, formulated that way it might sound a bit daring after all… Let’s rather say that something important seems to be missing in a relationship that doesn’t involve snuggling – similar like in a relationship without sex…

Because cuddling creates (similar like sex) intimacy between the partners, conveys a feeling of safety and security and increases physical well-being. In other words: If you never cuddle with your loved one, you are missing out!

But cuddling is not the same as cuddling! According to body language experts, the way two people snuggle reveals a lot about their relationship. Here are the most common positions and their meaning.

Cuddling positions and their meaning

1. Spoon

That’s how it’s done: The classic! The partners both lie – almost one behind the other – on the same side of the body, so that the abdomen and back, the front and back of the thighs, etc. touch. The “back” partner wraps his arms around the “front” partner, which the “front” can stroke or hold, for example.

Importance: The partners are one! Anyone who cuddles in the spoon feels a strong bond with their partner and is ready to share their life with them. In this position, the snugglers complete each other, forming a whole together. The spoon signals a harmonious, balanced relationship.

"Sweet little spoon": You must know this sex position

2. Laptop top

That’s how it’s done: One partner sits, the other lies and puts their head (“top”) in the lap (“lap”) of the seated person.

Importance: The partners can rely on each other! They are there for each other – in good times and in bad.

3. Soft chest

That’s how it’s done: Both persons lie together, one lays her head on the chest of the other. If necessary, one person puts their arm around the shoulder of the other.

Importance: Trust and unconditional support! Similar to the lap-top position, partners with this position show that they are counting on each other, and rightly so.

4. Legging

That’s how it’s done: It doesn’t matter whether you’re sitting or lying down, with leggings it’s mainly the legs that snuggle up. Intertwined, on top of each other, crossed, on top of each other or next to each other (but touching) – you can do a lot with legs …

importance: Together, but self-determined! Legging is typical for couples where the partners need a lot of freedom and attach great importance to their independence and self-development. Nevertheless, there is an intimate connection between them – almost at every turn.

5. Face to Face

That’s how it’s done: Both lie on their side and face each other (or stand), belly to belly, chest to chest, face to face.

Importance: Total intimacy and attraction! You are the center of the world for each other and the only important thing in life. A situation that is often chosen, especially for newly in love, but of course also quite common in longer relationships.

6. Side by side

That’s how it’s done: The lovers lie, stand or sit next to each other and each put an arm around their sweetheart.

Importance: Strong together! You are equal and support each other. Your relationship is based on trust and self-confidence.

7. Holding hands

That’s how it’s done: No matter when, no matter where, no matter how hot – you hold hands!

Importance: Nobody can separate you! You are not only lovers, but also best friends. Optimal conditions for a looong common path.


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