What free software does the State recommend in 2024?

Public administrations now have access to a list of 473 free software recommended by state services. There are popular tools like LibreOffice, Firefox, 7zip, Gimp or Debian, but also more confidential solutions, like mpv or AgentJ, Scilab or mpv.

It was a little over a year ago. The interministerial digital directorate (Dinum) published the 2023 edition of the interministerial base of free software (SILL). This is, in short, the list of all computer programs prescribed for the public sector. And this base has been updated for more than a decade now.

At that time, the list contained 359 free software. Since then, it has expanded significantly, since the SILL counter displays 473 free software, as of May 24, 2024. Historically, the Dinum free software mission published a document each year to indicate additions and withdrawals. From now on, this is done over time.

It remains possible to note entries and exits in the SILL catalog. Thus, since the last update on May 20, 2023, such as Zimbra (webmail), Vagrant (virtualization tool) or AngularJS (a JavaScript framework). Sometimes due to license change. Sometimes because the tool is abandoned.

Source: Screenshot
Latest additions in May 2024. // Source: Screenshot

What’s new and what’s new

What have we found since last time? Without falling into a Prévert-style inventory, here are some new features seen since May 2023. Some of the names will certainly be familiar to you – and may surprise you by only arriving now. We particularly think of Ubuntu, a free OS based on Linux and developed for twenty years.

In reality, some entries are simply refreshed. To return to the case of Ubuntu, it is the 20.04 LTS (Long Term Support) branch which has become the minimum required version since the previous one (18.04 LTS) has fallen into obsolescence since April 2023. The SILL takes these into account. developments.

  • AlmaLinux (Linux distribution);
  • BookStack (wiki engine);
  • Gitea (free forge based on Git);
  • React (JavaScript library);
  • Next.js (React framework);
  • GNOME (Linux desktop environment);
  • BackupPC (PC backup software);
  • Kali Linux (Linux distribution);
  • Wireshark (packet analyzer);
  • CrystalDiskInfo (disk diagnostic utility);
  • nomacs (image viewer);
  • Nginx Proxy Manager (reverse proxy);
  • joomla! (content management system);
  • Screentogif (capture to generate animated images);
  • Olvid (end-to-end encrypted instant messaging);
  • openSUSE (Linux distribution);
  • Apache CouchDB (database management system);
  • Ubuntu (Linux distribution);
  • mCaptcha (CAPTCHA software);
  • TerraVisu (mapping application);

The list of free software recommended by Dinum intends to cover numerous IT uses, both general and specific. We find web browsers like Firefox, password managers like KeePass, office suites like LibreOffice and a host of other programs found on many PCs, whether 7-Zip, VLC , Gimp or Notepad++.

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