What habits are attractive? | BRIGITTE.de

There are at least two errors about attractiveness that persist in the minds of many people: 1. Attractiveness depends solely on appearance. 2. Either you are attractive or you are not. In fact, both can be easily refuted by simply browsing through our own wealth of experience – or has there ever been anyone in your life who you didn't notice at first glance, but who you get with time and the more you met him, found him more and more attractive …? And has it never happened that you found someone attractive that your girlfriend would never be interested in? Just! Attractiveness is complex and subjective. It is connected with the personality of a person, with his charisma, his behavior, his appearance … in short: with everything that is important to him. This is precisely why the following habits can significantly increase the likelihood of looking attractive to others.

5 habits that attractive women have in common

1. You take care of yourself.

Attractive women take care of themselves and attach great importance to feeling good – both externally and internally, i.e. physically and mentally. From things like clothing and hairstyle to nutrition, fitness and sleeping habits to dealing with conflicts and feelings. It is important to attractive women that everything in their life is in order, so that they feel strong and confident. As a result, they appear competent and trustworthy to their fellow human beings – that is, attractive.

2. You treat others with respect.

A person can look so pretty and flawless – if he behaves disrespectfully or intolerantly towards others, he automatically appears unappealing and unattractive to most people. Almost everyone finds arrogance and selfishness repulsive. Openness, tolerance and consideration arouse positive feelings in almost everyone – both men and women.

3. They have their own style.

Attractive women often attract attention because they stand out from the crowd and have their own, individual style that suits them and emphasizes their personality. As a result, they not only look authentic, but also confident and strong again – and appear attractive.

4. They are self-critical and adhere to their mistakes.

Self-righteousness is one of the most unattractive qualities! Denying mistakes and blaming others is perceived by most (or those who see through) as weak and arouses anything but trust. On the other hand, if you stand by your weaknesses and missteps, you demonstrate greatness and integrity, reap sympathy and respect – and appear significantly more attractive than a self-righteous slacker.

5. You can laugh at yourself.

Those who can laugh at themselves generally have a lot of humor, secondly, are not particularly vain and, thirdly, smile or laugh especially often – and thus appear attractive to others. Zest for life, smiles and humor are attractive because they infect others and make them happy, while vanity appears insecure and superficial and therefore arouses mistrust.