What happened to Michel Muller, comedian and actor of Wasabi and Asterix?

Despite his talent, actor, director and humorist Michel Miller has not appeared on screen since 2017. What happened to the actor of “Fallait pas l’invite” and director of “La Vie de Michel Muller is prettier than yours”?

At the height of his popularity in the first half of the 2000s, Michel Muller has disappeared from the screens since 2017. What has become of the actor who started out on stage as a comedian and then cut his teeth on Canal+?

Michel Miller taught mathematics for a time, before completely changing course, launching into advertising and several comic one-man shows on Parisian stages. His black humor caused a sensation and in 1998, he landed his first role on the big screen in La Voie est libre and from then on specialized in comedy.


In “Asterix and Obelix versus Caesar”

Michel Muller distinguished himself in comedies in various tones: pure comedy with Recto verso (1998), Asterix and Obelix against Caesar (1999) and Les Dalton (2004), against a thriller background with Like a fish out of water (1999), or mixed with action with Taxi 2 (2000) and Wasabi (2001), his first major role, alongside Jean Reno.

Occasionally, Michel Muller changes register, notably approaching dramatic comedy (Train de vie, 1998), horror films (Promenons-nous dans les bois, 2000) and swashbuckling films (Fanfan la Tulipe, 2003). In 2005, he launched into directing with The Life of Michel Muller is more beautiful than yours, a comedy in which he takes an amused look at his own daily life as an artist.

CTV International

In 2007, he directed a mini-series entitled “Hénaut President”, which he adapted for the big screen five years later, with Olivier Gourmet in one of the title roles. In parallel with his activities behind the camera, he continues to appear in various fictions (La Grande vie in 2009, The Small Murders of Agatha Christie in 2011, etc.), and is also illustrated in the historical series by Neil Jordan, The Borgias, in the guise of King Charles VIII.

In 2012, he went back behind the camera to sign the film adaptation of his series. It will be Hénaut President, who comes out a month before the first round of the presidential elections. Coming out on about fifty prints, the film made almost no admissions with only 4,739 tickets sold. This failure puts a real brake on the comedian’s career despite the film’s small budget, estimated at between 850,000 and 1.5 million euros.


We find him in 2016 in the political series Baron noir, in which he plays the unscrupulous Gérard Balleroy. His narrative arc is completed at the end of season 1, and his contract with him. After two small roles of a policeman in Jour J and a shrink in La Fête est finie in 2017, he is no longer talked about.

Absent from social networks, the actor is discreet and we are impatiently awaiting a new project in which to see him again and allowing a new audience to rediscover him. To wait, there remains a rich career to catch up with, including three one-man shows of anthology!

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