what happened to the actors?

The first season ofHélène and the boys was released in 1992. But what happened to the actors, who can be found in The mysteries of love from ?

The television series Helen and the boys was broadcast on TF1 from 1992 to 1994. She arrived shortly after first kisses and brought together several main characters that we were then able to find in other derivative productions such as The miracle of love and Holidays of love. If Hélène Rollès who played Hélène Girard was the main actress, she was accompanied by her band of friends passionate about music to which the fans were quickly attached.

We thus found her boyfriend Nicolas, but also José who had a story with Bénédicte, Laly who was in a relationship with Sébastien, Cathy who dated Étienne and Christian, alias Cricri d’amour who had a lovely romance with Johanna.

From Hélène and the boys to the Mysteries of love

15 years after the end of the broadcast ofHelen and the boys on TF1, a new spin-off series was released on television: The mysteries of love. There are now 29 seasons and the episodes always pass on TMC. We find the main characters of the 1992 sitcom who are still very good friends: Hélène and Nicolas keep getting back together and separating, José always likes to please women and frequented Bénédicte and Cathy with whom he had a son. and Cricri d’amour fell in love with a woman much younger than him, played by Elsa Esnoult. In addition, in this series, there are several former reality TV candidates.

As in Helen and the boys, couples make and break up in The mysteries of love. But, one thing does not change: the friendship between all the members of this group of friends even if the actors and the characters have changed a lot. Here is the before and after main actors in 30 years, from 1992 to today!

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