What happened to the women?: Seven procedures for knockout drops at the SPD festival

What happened to the women?
Seven procedures for knockout drops at SPD festival

The police are still waiting for the results of the blood test, but investigations are still ongoing. After 14 people suffered the symptoms of an attack with knockout drops at the summer party of the SPD parliamentary group, several procedures have now been initiated.

A good two weeks after the alleged incidents with knockout drops at a summer party of the SPD parliamentary group, the Berlin police are investigating seven cases of dangerous bodily harm. This was announced by the authority on request. Overall, the police learned of 14 cases of malaise and memory gaps. In half of them, however, the suspicion was not confirmed – for example by questioning those affected – that such drops could also be the reason in these cases.

According to a police spokesman, an investigative group was set up at Criminal Police 2 (West). Among other things, they evaluate photo and video material and interview those affected, guests and employees. So far, the investigations have been directed against an unknown person, according to the police. The results of a blood test from a 21-year-old were not yet available to the investigators, according to the police.

She reported to the police immediately the day after the festival (July 6) and was examined at the hospital. She had felt nausea, dizziness, and memory loss. According to the police, she should not have drunk any alcoholic beverages at the festival. According to the police, other women may have had their blood tested. The results are not available to investigators.

Different types of drugs are referred to as knockout drops, such as ketamine, a veterinary anesthetic, and GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyric acid), commonly known as liquid ecstasy. In clubs, the drugs are also taken voluntarily in lower doses as party drugs. Perpetrators secretly pour the substances into their victims’ drinks to stun or render them defenseless. Crime scenes are mostly pubs, bars and clubs.

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