what if adaptogenic plants were the solution?

It is not only creams to benefit from the benefits of plants on our skin. The proof with the explanations of Valérie Espinasse, micronutritionist, who reveals the virtues of adaptogenic plants, treatments to swallow to regain our skin balance.

Redness, pimples, eczema… So many skin problems for which we try – sometimes in vain – to find a solution with treatments that we apply to our skin. But we often forget one thing: the beauty routine is not always enough to maintain the balance of the skin. Our overall lifestyle influences the quality of our skin, and it is sometimes the cause of its small defects. As Valérie Espinasse, micronutritionist reminds us, the skin is “a sensory organ with many nerve endings” which will react to stress in many ways: oily skin, eczema, rosacea, dryness, acne….

If, in the majority of cases, multiple factors are at the origin of these skin problems (hormonal imbalance, diet, care poorly adapted to the type of skin, etc.), the emotional can also influence skin condition. It even happens, in rare cases, that he is largely responsible for it. This is where the virtues of adaptogenic plants come into play and reveal themselves”remarkable efficiency”, especially when the skin disorder is mainly generated by the emotional. And rest assured if your skin problem is not new, they can still be effective because “everything is reversible” and it is a treatment that “acts on the causes” skin problems.

What exactly are adaptogenic herbs?

These are plants that go “regulate the body’s reactions to stress” as Valérie Espinasse notes. They therefore have different vocations and a fairly broad field of action. They can regulate energy (we sometimes see a drop in energy in the face of stress), emotions, sleep, certain food urges such as sugar urges or even help prevent a burnout.

3 adaptogenic plants for beautiful skin

Contrary to what one might think, the adaptogenic plants that one will integrate into one’s beauty routine are not chosen according to the type of skin or the skin problem. “We choose them according to the reactivity to stress, to the way in which stress acts on each one.” explains the micronutritionist who believes that there are two essential ones and a third also very useful in the context of skin care.

  • rhodiola, an adaptogenic plant that will act on the salty and sweet impulses generated by stress
  • saffron, an adaptogenic plant that will rather affect the morale of the person by regulating stress
  • ashwagandha, an adaptogenic plant that restores energy

Adaptogenic plants: how to integrate them into your beauty routine?

Thanks to micronutrition! Why ? Because she “acts on the causes” skin problems, at their source, and not just on them once the skin disorder has appeared like a cream. We know that what we ingest is just as important as what we apply to our skin. Micronutrition is interested precisely in this by advocating a personalized diet, sometimes associated with supplementation (food supplements) when necessary, to meet the micronutrient needs of the body and regulate its imbalances. To treat our skin disorders, Valérie Espinasse invites us to use these medicinal plants “orally” and more precisely “via supplements in capsule or powder form” which are, according to her, the best way to ingest them “because the taste of certain plants can interfere with the grip”.

The advantage is that there is “no contraindication” nor risk of addiction with these plants, only people who follow drug treatments “should seek advice from their doctor” before ingesting them.

Adaptogenic plants: how to choose your food supplements?

If you can of course draw products from the shelves of holistic beauty brands, the most effective thing is to offer you a consultation with a micronutritionist who can help you choose those that are best suited to your needs according to your problems. Only a personalized consultation with an expert will allow you to identify the causes of your skin problems (via a global questionnaire which analyzes your food intolerances, for example) and will accurately determine the way in which you can act on them thanks to the micronutrition.

We mentioned earlier the effectiveness of this supplementation, in fact know that, with adaptogenic herbal supplements well chosen for you, you will be able to observe “results in three months maximum” according to the micronutritionist.
As for the effects of these supplements on the skin, their duration “is variable, depending on the person, the genetics, and the reaction specific to each one” warns the expert. We cannot therefore be sure that a cure carried out every 3 to 6 months, for example, is enough to make the skin benefit from their effect throughout the year, even if for some people it will be enough.

Fleurance Nature saffron supplement

available on fleurancenature.fr

Hyggé ashwagandha supplement – 32 euros

available on blissim.fr

Bonus advice from Valérie Espinasse : “In case of skin disorder, there is generally an imbalance of the microbiota which it is interesting to treat in addition with treatments that target this imbalance such as probiotic-based treatments”.

Thanks to Valérie Espinasse, micronutritionist.

Elodie LE GALL

Passionate about writing and beauty, Elodie swaps her lipstick for her laptop to find you the best makeup, hair and skincare trends, and pro tips…

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