what if it was because of your pillowcase?


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The imperfections are multiplying on your face despite the care and you can not know why? The answer may be tucked away in your sheets. Explanations.

As we know, to display a clear complexion, it is important to have impeccable hygiene and to wash your face every day using a cleanser suited to your skin type. But the facial care routine is not the only thing to watch out for in order to avoid rashes.

Food and a poor lifestyle in general (lack of sleep, stress, etc.) also impact the quality of the skin, as do some of our daily habits that we do not always think about. Not removing make-up well in the evening, forgetting to clean your make-up brushes quite regularly or even use care or make-up products that have expired just because they are not finished, are all bad reflexes that cause an inflammatory state. at the level of the skin and therefore the pimples. But there is a potential culprit that we had not yet identified: our pillowcase! In question: the frequency with which we wash our sheets, which is sometimes not sufficient for the well-being of our skin.

Here’s how often you need to change your pillowcase to have beautiful skin

According to Oksana Georgia, skin care expert and esthetician at Skin + IQ Clinic who was interviewed by Refinery29, you should change your pillowcase “At least two to three times a week” to prevent the dirt and bacteria that accumulate there can end up causing pimples. During the night, sebum, dead skin, care residues (face and hair), and sometimes even make-up residue and pollution particles are deposited on our pillowcase. A nightmarish cocktail for our skin which settles in our sheets until the next wash, and which worsens over the days under the effect of the body heat that we give off during our many nights of sleep. To stop the development of microbes and the risk of seeing imperfections appear on our face, there is only one solution: clean our pillowcase several times a week. Although restrictive, this habit could save you some nasty pimples on your face. And that’s not all, the expert also recommends washing the pillow itself every 6 months to make sure it is clean, and replacing it with a new one every one to two years. We take note!

Finally, don’t forget that the material of your sheets is also very important. Silk pillowcases, for example, less absorbent than cotton and very soft on the skin, are not only able to promote the effectiveness of your care and take care of sensitive skin, but also to slow the appearance of wrinkles because they wrinkle the skin less during sleep.

Microcysts on the face: how to get rid of these pimples under the skin?

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