What is a stroke and how to prevent risks?

Yasmina Kattou, edited by Laura Laplaud

Pierre Palmade had a stroke this weekend while he was at Paul Brousse hospital where he is under house arrest. Like him, every year 130,000 people are victims of a stroke in France and 40,000 people die. What is a stroke? Europe 1 explains to you.

Comedian Pierre Palmade suffered a stroke on Saturday evening. 130,000 people are victims each year in France and a third die. We explain what a stroke is and how to prevent risks.

Two types of stroke exist

A stroke is caused by the sudden and rapid cessation of blood circulation in the brain. There are two types: ischemic stroke caused by the presence of a blood clot in a cerebral artery, and hemorrhagic stroke caused by the rupture of a vessel.

Excess cholesterol, diabetes, obesity or smoking are risk factors. The sequelae can be irreversible: paralysis, speech or balance disorders. Taking care of them in the first minutes makes it possible to avoid them.

If you have trouble moving an arm or a leg, if you can’t find your words, or if you notice paralysis in part of your face, it could be a sign of a stroke. Immediately call 15.

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