What is a technical government, this option available to Emmanuel Macron in the event of defeat in the legislative elections?

Alexandre Chauveau // Credits: LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP
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07:06, June 23, 2024

The head of state will probably have to govern, after the legislative elections, with a new majority called into question. To govern the president could constitute a technical government.

After dissolving the National Assembly, Emmanuel Macron will probably have to govern, after the legislative elections, with a new majority called into question. To govern the president could constitute a technical government. The executive would then be made up of specialists in their field, technicians or senior civil servants appointed to manage current affairs and move the country forward while waiting for new legislative elections to take place.

None should then be part of any political group. The objective is to build consensus so that the government is not overthrown by any motion of censure. So, on paper, the hypothesis may be interesting. In fact, this government of experts would still have to vote on the budget for the year 2025. An exercise that is generally very political and which highlights the divisions within the hemicycle.

A first in France

In France, there is no precedent. Italy, on the other hand, has already experienced four technical governments, the last of which, three years ago, led by Mario Draghi. The President of the Council then tried to reassure the markets against a backdrop of political and economic crisis. Such a scenario in France would therefore be unheard of. To emerge from the crisis, it would require an acceleration of the recomposition of the political landscape likely to lead to a new absolute majority in the Assembly.

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