What is captology, at the center of the last episode of “Digital Pitfalls” on FranceTV Slash?

Warn about the dangers of digital technology. This is the principle of the series “Digital Traps”, broadcast on the France TV Slash platform. In short videos, youtubers and influencers concretely present the problems related to digital. For example cryptocurrency scams, romance scams or those related to the CPF.

Give keys and advice to spectators

A new episode that has just been put online, the 9th in the series. And in this one, we’re talking about captology. If the word is not very well known, it is nevertheless the scam of the century, the one of which we are all victims. When digital technologies lead us to change our behavior and especially when social networks literally steal our time.

“Be honest, how many times have you caught yourself spending hours on a social network when you had a whole other idea in mind when you took your smartphone?”, Can we hear in an excerpt from the series.

“During that time, you didn’t play the guitar, or even cook something to eat, or even talk to your loved ones. Sometimes you even forgot to go to sleep. It’s none of your business. fault, it’s done on purpose. The biggest digital companies like Facebook, Google, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter only depend on one thing: the time you spend on it”, explains from the outset “The pitfalls of digital” .

The objective of this episode is therefore to understand what is hidden behind the fact that we go on Facebook or Twitter for something specific, and in the end, we spend very long minutes there, without really knowing why. It’s a kind of digital wandering. “The digital traps” is therefore there to give each episode keys and advice, as explained by its producer David Bensoussan, at the microphone of Europe 1 / Culture media.

A series “for all audiences”

“We thought it was important to mobilize content creators because they have this ability to say things, to explain them, to popularize. For France TV Slash, therefore more aimed at 18-30 year olds , but also for the attention of all other audiences, including people of my age, for example, for over 50 years”, details David Bensoussan.

“In a few minutes, we explain each time how not to fall into a trap, how not to be tricked. And we do it most of the time with a victim, because I find that it’s always very instructive to hear someone who fell into it, who got screwed over. And then, most of the time, we also have someone who is more of a scammer and we try to understand the mechanisms that are put in place, “adds the producer at the microphone of Europe 1/Culture media.

The series “Digital traps” can be found on the France TV Slash platform but also on Youtube.

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