what is it and how to overcome it?

FOMO syndrome affects many people. How does it manifest itself, what are its effects? Back to this growing fear of missing something.

FOMO is undoubtedly the evil of the 21st century. Translate the expression “Fear of missing out” into French and you will understand what it is. In effect, “the fear of missing something now part of us. You might be thinking “definitely not me“, but have you ever been at a friend’s birthday party laughing out loud when suddenly you see an Instagram story of another friend having a blast in a bar next door? Panic: where to go, where to show up? If so, you have FOMO. social phobia affects all sections of society, but is more often developed by adolescents and young adults.

Very often, this fear of missing the purchase of the century, the evening of the year, the trend of the summer or the rumor of the day can reveal a fear of loneliness, of exclusion, but also a fragile self-esteem. This is why people who suffer from FOMO tend to say “yes” to everything that is offered to them and often find themselves underwater. Thus, out of overzealousness, they sometimes prefer to be seen at an event than to (really) participate in this event.

What is FOMO syndrome?

While the fear of missing something is the glue of this anxiety, how does it first appear in people who suffer from it? This phobia is presented as a direct consequence of the use of social networks (again them) and would prevent people from enjoying the present moment. Another possibility for this syndrome: the passive. If these people have beenrejected” Where “excluded“During their childhood, they can later develop this fear of being on the sidelines, of missing something, explains psychologist Maïté Tranzer to Current wife.

How does this syndrome manifest? By the inability to say “no” to invitations. Often, individuals never even ask themselves if they really want to, they do it out of pure need to be present at a place T at a time T. It also happens that people who suffer from FOMO compare themselves to others and tirelessly lower themselves.

What are the effects of FOMO?

FOMO can cause stress and axiety. This desire for ubiquity can even go as far as cause anxiety, fatigue and decreased concentration. Indeed, by wanting to be everywhere, we can no longer concentrate and stay focused on a subject or a task. The consequences can therefore also be physical: lack of sleep, headaches, etc.

And paradoxically, by wanting to be part of all the events, we are really only halfway there. We can therefore cut ourselves off from certain loved ones by being physically there but mentally absent, by not showing a real investment in the relationships we have with them. It is not uncommon for the people with FOMO distance themselves from their friends and end up maintaining only superficial relationships.

FOMO, how to overcome it?

To overcome this fear, we must first learn to slow down. In effectletting go is essential against this syndrome. Do not hesitate to disconnect from social networks too. Once this very delicate phase has passed, the person who suffers from this social anxiety can begin the acceptance workthat is to say accept that those close to you or the people you follow on the platforms do things without her.

The last step is to Living in the Moment, no longer be jealous of others for their outings or their interactions. The main thing is therefore to be satisfied with what you have without wanting to be everywhere at all costs. A small digital detox is advised. It will allow you to reconnect with yourself but also with your loved ones by being present with them, 100%.

As a social journalist, I work on all subjects related to feminism, news items and the fight against discrimination. Equally affected by the crises that follow…

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