What is the best croissant according to 60 million consumers?

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The magazine 60 millions de Consommateurs very often sifts through products in the same category in order to provide its ranking and communicate the best references on the market. This time it is industrial bakery products and more particularly the star of our breakfasts, the croissant, which is analyzed by the newspaper.

After talking to you about the results of the ranking of the best baguettes, the association 60 million consumers recently published survey results targeting this other star of the French tradition, the croissant. Who doesn’t appreciate succumbing to this little pleasure break and enjoying a good croissant from time to time accompanied by a coffee in the morning? It is with this in mind that the magazine has chosen to focus on this product after also communicating on the worst coffee capsule sold in supermarkets.

13 croissants have been selected to be part of the survey, all from bakery chains or the Viennese area in supermarkets. The association has also chosen to analyze manufacturing surfaces and cooking terminals to check whether certain contaminants or pesticides were not there. Nutri score, price, nutritional qualities, quantity of salt and sugar, proteins, everything has been scrupulously studied by 60 million consumers. And the results are not not huge when we know that a polluting chemical product, piperonyl butoxide, was found in 12 references out of the 13 analyzed.

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Which brand takes the top spot?

The croissant from Monoprix takes the lead with its pure butter reference. It obtains a score of 13/20 for a price of 0.85 euro while being less fatty and less sweet than its competitors. It is also the only reference in the classification in which no trace of the chemical pollutant was found. Then come the Croissant with Brioche Dorée butter and that of Mie Câline tied with a score of 12/20. The dunce’s cap is attributed to the references of the Casino and Banette brand which painfully reach the score of 9/20.

The investigation nevertheless showed that the croissant is a real “calorie bomb» and that it provides few nutritional qualities. Tasting a croissant is purely a taste pleasure! So, why not let yourself be tempted by home-made?

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