what is the deadline for receiving the bonus of 308 euros?

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Hurry up ! If you haven’t yet received the exceptional bonus of 308 euros from CAF, you only have a few days left to do so! We tell you more about the eligibility conditions for this bonus.

THE CAF benefits are numerous. More than ever the the country’s economic situation is worrying for a large number of French people, this is why CAF offers many aids to support this difficult daily life. APL, activity bonus, housing assistance, RSA... aid from CAF is essential for the most modest households! But how do we know if we too can benefit from these social benefits? It is very simple ! CAF is based on a set of eligibility criteria.

In order to make life easier for users, CAF has set up a simulation section. This section lets you know if you are able to claim different aids of CAF, including the exceptional bonus of 308.50 euros. It only takes a few seconds, but be careful, the simulation is not equivalent to a real request. To do this, you must make a written request to the organization and provide the requested information.

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How to benefit from the exceptional CAF bonus?

You should know that CAF grants many aids, but some are not cannot be combined with each other like the APL (Personalised Housing Assistance), the ALF (Family Housing Allowance) or the ALS (Social Housing Allowance). The APL is an aid that applies to owners and tenants of real estate accommodation, the ALF is reserved for married households with children and finally the ALS concerns all other households not eligible for the previous allowances.

THE amount of this aid can be up to 308.50 euros, a tidy not insignificant sum! If you want to take advantage of it, you must live on French soil eight months out of 12 minimum, be French or in possession of a right of residence on French soil and not be affected by wealth tax. So, go to the CAF website to quickly find out if you can take advantage of this aid, until next April 5!

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