what is the globus syndrome from which the singer suffers?

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While it has been more than two years since our favorite Quebecer disappeared from the scene, Celine Dion has been fighting for these long months against a disease called globus syndrome. It is in the book Celine Dion: the real story that one of her doctors returns to this syndrome which prevents the star from going back on stage.

While many rumors are circulating about a possible return of the singer for a European tour in 2023 after the multiple postponements since March 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the artist continued on health concerns that did not affect her. allowed to go back on stage since. It’s been a while since fans have had the chance or the happiness to hear the voice of Celine Dion and for good reason, she has been fighting for many months against a disease called globus syndrome. She has also spoken on her social networks on numerous occasions regarding the situation, such as last April when she once again postponed her tour: “My doctors give me treatments, medicines, but I still suffer from spasms. My recovery is taking much longer than I expected”.

But what are the symptoms of this disease, how does this translate for the singer? For the 54-year-old artist, this is manifested by a “feeling of a lump in the throat” accompanied by ” kinds of spasms. But what is the origin of this syndrome? What exactly is the singer suffering from? And how to fix it? It is his doctor, Jean Abitbol, ​​who returns to the situation for the book Celine Dion: the real story.

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“The globus is a syndrome which is a false syndrome”

ENT specialist, the doctor explains to us that it is not very complicated, it is quite simply a syndrome which pushes the singer to feel discomfort in the throat like a lump all this associated with “types of spasms that generally occur when one has experienced a period of relatively aggressive stress”. He reveals that in the case of the artist, the disease is accompanied by certain problems related to menopause: “Because during menopause, female hormones no longer play the same role. Associated with the globus, it causes this impression of gastric reflux, tightness in the throat and spasms”.

Only psychosomatic, this syndrome is ultimately only a“false syndrome” according to the doctor while Celine Dion has suffered from it for many years in silence. This does not mean that his doctor “don’t take what’s going on very seriously.” and that the artist is not followed closely.

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