What is this mysterious disease that affects dogs and worries veterinarians? : Current Woman Le MAG

Sad news for dog owners. A difficult disease to treat was discovered through several cases in the United States. Veterinarian, Lindsey Ganzer revealed, on November 21, 2023 at The Washington Posthaving taken care of 35 suspected cases since October. Four dogs among the patients died what sounds like kennel cough. “From what she has observed the symptoms include fever, cough, lack of appetite, runny eyes and nose, sneezing and difficulty breathing. Most cases start as ‘kennel cough’a common disease that is very easily treated.”, report our colleagues. If the first symptoms seem trivial, you should be concerned when they persist over time: “The illness usually begins with a cough, which can last for weeks then develops into pneumonia (visible on an x-ray) and in severe respiratory distress. Antibiotics generally seem to have no effect and, in cases of acute pneumonia, the end occurs after only twenty-four to thirty-six hours.

Kennels should be avoided in the United States

If for now cases in Europe have not been recorded, American veterinarians advise being vigilant about guards in kennels which bring together many dogs. Indeed, as our colleagues report, “dogs could transmit the disease to each other through contact or simply by breathing the same air, especially when they play.” Lindsey Ganzer therefore recommends: “I strongly recommend that people avoid dog kennels and boarding facilities, and anything that involves large numbers of animals in a confined space. It is best to find someone who can come to their home to look after their dog.” Looking after domestic animals is a recurring subject in the lives of owners. Kennels remain a practical way to look after your best furry friend during holidays or even a short absence.

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