what is this practice from BDSM that can increase your pleasure tenfold?

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Orgasm denial is a very often used tool in the BDSM community to increase pleasure tenfold. But like many practices, it can be incorporated even into a more “vanilla” sexuality. We explain what it is and how to practice it.

What if some of the most beautiful orgasms could be induced precisely by the prohibition to enjoy? This is in any case what seems to indicate a study carried out by Dèmonia, on orgasm in BDSM practices (Bondage and Discipline, Domination and Submission, Sadism and Masochism). In this analysis, which aims to break certain clichés about the practices of the community, particular emphasis is placed on one of them: the denial of orgasm. Often called by its English name, “tease and denial” (excite and deny), it is practiced a lot by lovers of BDSM, nearly 52.8% say they use it. The practice even reached third place in the ranking of most effective orgasm triggers.

Orgasm denial or orgasm deprivation, as its name suggests, consists of forbidding the submissive person to enjoy. The objective is to bring this one or this one several times during the report to the limit of ecstasy, without letting him or her go any further. This generates a feeling of significant sexual frustration, which can increase the excitement tenfold. And especially the power of the final orgasm when it will be granted to him.

Besides the game between dominant and dominated, several reasons can push to adopt the denial of orgasm. First of all, you should know that during a part of the leg in the air where a denial of orgasm is practiced, the hormones and chemical principles released during sexual relations are emitted several times during the report. Further adding to the pleasure of the moment. It can also be used by some to control their ejaculation and become more enduring, for longer sexual relations. A way to get to know your body better and control her orgasm. Orgasm denial is often mentioned for men but it can be practiced by all genders.

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Orgasm and BDSM practices: far from an oxymoron

BDSM is often associated with a notion of pain and less often of pleasure. Yet despite games that are not always suitable for all sexualities, pleasure remains at the center of the practices of this community. According to the study carried out by Dèmonia, 73.8% of respondents consider that BDSM practices give them more sensation than so-called “vanilla” relationships. And 92.8% of them who answer that the orgasms that these techniques provide are more intense. Top trio of practices that would bring the most ultimate pleasure: bondage for 60.5%, flogging for 39% and orgasm denial for 27.9%.

The latter, like many of the BDSM techniques, can also be incorporated into a more “vanilla” sexuality without causing a problem, while increasing the pleasure tenfold. The golden rule being as always to be well informed about the right gestures in order not to get hurt, and the consent of all, of course.

Society/Sex/Psycho Journalist

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