what photo precipitated their departure

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In January 2020, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry decided to abandon their royal duties and leave the UK. And it’s a photo of Prince George that would have prompted them to leave sooner than expected.

It is one of the most commented events in the world in recent years. In January 2020, Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, have announced that they will leave the United Kingdom in order to settle permanently in the United States. They revealed, at the same time, that they renounced their functions within the royal family. According to information from Mirrorreported by Gala Saturday, November 12, it was a very special photo that prompted the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to pack their bags in a hurry.

Quoting royal biographer Andrew Morton, our colleagues explained that the parents of Lilibet and Archie reached a point of no return when they fell on an official snapshot of Queen Elizabeth II, with her three heirsthe princes Charles, William and George. A snapshot taken in the throne room of Buckingham Palace in early 2020, a few days before Meghan and Harry announced their departure, and which would have had the effect of a “alarm bell” for the couple, said Andrew Morton. And for good reason, if it is a simple photo bringing together the future British sovereigns, she gave to the Sussexes “the feeling that the whole institution was conspiring against them”.

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“The future of the monarchy is assured, with or without them”

Convinced that the British Crown had turned against them in the name of a “unspoken code”the son of Charles III and his wife then took this photo as a very explicit message : “the future of the monarchy is assured, with or without them”, reported the English biographer. This impression of being voluntarily put aside therefore prompted the two spouses to hasten their decision to leave the United Kingdom. However, according to Andrew Morton, Meghan Markle and Harry had already been anticipating their departure for a long time. Indeed, this idea would have even been mentioned for the first time by the couple only six months after his marriagein 2018, said the journalist and writer.

Josephine de Rubercy


Curious and passionate about pop culture, Joséphine is a fan of music, series and even Instagram of all kinds. If she loves to follow people news and the latest …

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