What plants can you put in a bedroom? : Current Woman Le MAG

Soothing, depolluting, soporific, plants can also be real wonders in terms of their usefulness in a bedroom. Often easy to care for, plants that are ideal for bedrooms bring beauty and comfort to life. For the most part, they adapt perfectly to the atmosphere of a cozy nest. If you haven’t already done so, you can let yourself be seduced by one or other of those presented. Bonus, we explain how to pamper them so that they acclimatize as best as possible to this place of intimacy.

To purify the air: ivy

Ivy looks very pretty placed in a pot and decorated with a basket on a high piece of furniture or a shelf. Moreover, it has the ability to purify the air by absorbing, for example, benzene or formaldehyde, which can be released in certain homes (particularly if you have done or are currently doing work) and which is not good for your health. Also, this plant, which produces a lot of oxygen, becomes the perfect ally to depollute and purify the atmosphere.

For maintenance : ivy does not need high exposure to light. On the contrary, it flourishes very good in the dark. He has not no need to be watered in winter and very little the rest of the year. Think all the same regularly to provide fertilizer and to check its development in pots.

Which promotes falling asleep: jasmine

If you struggle to reach the arms of Morpheus or are susceptible to insomnia, you can definitely consider a collocation with a jasmine. In your bedroom, it will be perfect! Famous for its particularly relaxing smell, jasmine has a reputation for relaxing and helping you fall asleep. Its delicate and discreet appearance will bring also softness to your decoration.

For maintenance : jasmine requires special attention. This plant love the lightbut do not cannot tolerate high heat. Make sure your room is fairly cool so that this plant can flourish there. Also, it is preferable to water it regularlyespecially when it has been exposed to the sun for a long time.

The essential: lavender

Lavender is a bestseller! Its smell, oil and properties are widely exploited. Pillow mists, essences, diffusers are selling like hotcakes. Because, nervous people, who suffer from insomnia or who have restless nights recognize the powerful properties of this plant. Having it in a pot in your bedroom is an excellent idea if you like its smell and want to delight in the feeling of calm that it provides.

For maintenance : lavender love the light and the sun. Keep watch during the day near a window or in a well-exposed corner. It only requires very little water and it is best to wait for the soil in your pot to dry before watering it again.

Read also :

⋙ 5 easy-to-live, maintenance-free indoor plants!

⋙ Bedroom: don’t forget to clean these 3 corners

⋙ 5 large plants to green your interior

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