what price in supermarkets?

Following the announcements of Prime Minister Jean Castex, faced with the joint waves of Delta and Omicron variants, the sale of self-tests is no longer reserved for pharmacies, exceptionally until January 31, 2022. The bosses of hypermarkets are already announcing sales quoting price.

Exceptionally and until January 31, 2022, self-tests for the detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus on a nasal sample (…) can be retailed (…). These medical devices are reserved for asymptomatic people for their own personal use only. One judgment of December 27, 2021 amending the decree of June 1, 2021 prescribing the general measures necessary to manage the way out of the health crisis was published this morning in Official newspaper. The same judgment eliminates, temporarily and exceptionally, the fact that the sale of self-tests is limited to pharmacists within their pharmacy.

Supermarkets have been campaigning for this measure for several days and some establishments, including E.Leclerc or Lidl, claim to already have self-tests in stock. As the judgment is applicable immediately, the sale of self-tests is now possible in supermarkets and hypermarkets. For how much?

Less than 2 euros per self-test

If we had the right, the Leclercs would sell the self-tests less than 2euros, wrote on December 22 Michel-Edouard Leclerc on his blog. It would be half the price of the cheapest pharmacies. The very media boss of Leclerc stores has promised a sale price this morning.

Until now, it is a ceiling price that limits the price of self-tests.: The dispensation is free by respecting a limit sale price of 5.20euro per self-test, for the general public, explains health insurance.

Dominique Schelcher, CEO of System U, he also assured that the self-tests should be put on sale less than 2euros by self-test, list price, in U.

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