What regulations for Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies? – Interview with ORWL Avocats

During Surfin’Bitcoin 2023, the Journal du Coin took the opportunity to produce a series of podcasts with various key players in the crypto industry. In this context, Benoit Huguetco-founder of the JDC, spoke with Alexandre and William of ORWL AvocatsA French law firm specializing in legal issues relating to cryptocurrencies.

During this interview, Alexandre and William, the co-founders of ORWL Avocats, explored various topics related to the regulations surrounding Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. They highlighted several important points, including the legal aspect of cryptocurrencies, the French legal framework, regulation and taxation. William focused on the regulatory issues faced by companies active in the field of cryptocurrencies, in particular cryptocurrency service providers (PSAN) in Europe.

On his side, alexander addressed the issue of taxation of cryptocurrencies In France. He notably mentioned the flat tax rate of 30% for individuals, the distinction between traders and non-traders, as well as the exemption of cryptocurrency-to-cryptocurrency transactions. They also mentioned the possibility for individuals to rectify their past tax declarations with the tax authorities, stressing the importance of voluntarily regularizing their tax situation.

Good viewing !

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