what role she will play in her husband’s campaign

Brigitte Macron could be an asset for Emmanuel Macron during the 2022 presidential election. It is the entourage of the president who confirms it.

Emmanuel Macron will be a candidate for his own succession in the next presidential election. The President of the Republic confirmed this through a letter to the French, in which he explains his desire to engage again in this mission.

Emmanuel Macron will be opposed to 11 other opponents, whose candidacy was validated on March 7. In this race for the Elysée, the current head of state has some advantages. He can defend his record and his team. But he has an additional strength: Brigitte Macron.

The first lady is very popular with French women and men. This popularity would even be “an undeniable asset”according to a close friend of Emmanuel Macron quoted in an article in the Parisian. Brigitte Macron would even be more appreciated than her husband in France. A recent Ifop poll reveals that the first lady satisfies 55% of French respondents. Opposite, only 39% of respondents are happy with Emmanuel Macron.

The reputation of Brigitte Macron is therefore a boon for the French president. “She is indispensable, she will play a role. But whoever she wants, she, further specifies the same source in the article of Parisian.

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How will Brigitte Macron play her role?

Currently, Brigitte Macron fulfills her role as first lady of France, by investing in social and humanitarian causes. She remains withdrawn from her husband, while playing a minimal media game.

Invited to the TF1 8 p.m. set in January 2022, Brigitte Macron defended herself from having a role in her husband’s declaration of candidacy or even in French politics. “I want to say that in no way am I trying to influence him, convince him or persuade him. Never!”she said.

Yet it is said that she has special ties with certain ministers like Marlène Schiappa, whom she often advises. She would have even blown the name of Jean-Michel Blanquer for a position in the government.

Brigitte Macron, however, remains discreet. Rather, she acts in the shadows, like an ambassador for her husband. During the covid-19 crisis, it was she who received Martin Blachier and Gerald Kierzek to discuss the evolution of the disease and seek support for her husband.

However, it is this place that she has taken for the last five years that has allowed her to obtain the sympathy of the French women and men. During this presidential campaign, we must therefore expect to see Brigitte Macron alongside her husband.“She will obviously accompany him on the big gatherings, if he does. But probably nothing more”explains the same source to Parisian.

Amina Boumazza

Freelance journalist, Amina is passionate about societal trends which she dissects with words. She pays particular attention to women’s rights and equal opportunities. When she…

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