what symptoms differentiate the English variant from the classic virus?

The English variant of Covid-19 is spreading rapidly in France. How to differentiate the symptoms of the disease?

The coronavirus mutates and variants of the disease are appearing all over the world. What makes these variants different? The main characteristic, and the one that concerns doctors and politicians the most, is transmissibility. Thus, the English variant is of concern in France because of its proximity to Great Britain, but also because of its greater transmissibility, which makes it spread quickly. It is in fact 30 to 70% more transmissible than the initial strain of the virus.
How do you know if this is the English variant or the original virus that you have contracted? It is a PCR test which determines which virus is present in your body. Before this test, can we imagine which variant we are potentially affected by?

A variant more tiring and painful than the "classic" coronavirus

The UK's national statistics office has interviewed 6,000 sick people in the country. From the statements of patients, researchers were able to classify the pain and sensations that vary. As a result, 35% of patients affected by the English variant reported coughing, compared to 28% of the initial covidates. Then, fatigue is a more recurring symptom: 32% of patients with the English strain say they are more tired, compared to 29% of people with the classic strain. Finally, a quarter of patients report muscle pain, compared to a fifth of people affected by the classic strain of the virus. Sore throats are also more common with an infection with the English virus, as are flare-ups.

Good news anyway? Loss of taste or smell is less present in infections with the virus variant: 15 and 16% of patients report these respective symptoms, against 18 and 19% in the classic strain.

Mathilde Wattecamps

Missions: Graduated in political science, Mathilde is an expert in subjects related to women's rights and health. Addicted to Instagram and Twitter, never stingy with a good …