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To participate in Miss France, you must meet certain criteria. But once Miss, certain rules of etiquette and interpersonal skills must be scrupulously respected.

The requirement above all. Managing to enter the Miss France competition requires rigour, and once they have become regional Miss, the first rules of etiquette apply. On Monday, December 21, the candidates arrived at Club Med La Caravelle in Guadeloupe. One month before the election of Miss France 2023, the participants are already starting to train to be perfect on D-Day. Now known to the general public, the regional Misses must learn to embody their role to correspond to the requirement requested by the Miss France committee, and this passes by certain precepts.

For example, Misses should no longer find themselves alone and always be accompaniedin particular for a question of safety, indicated Cécile Bados, one of the persons in charge for the group, with the Parisian. Another habit to put aside during the stay: the use of the telephone. “We don’t forbid them to use the telephone, but… They mustn’t miss out on their experience by remaining stuck on it”, she says. In addition, some content must remain exclusive and not be shared on social networks.

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The exemplarity of the Misses

If the Misses must not drink alcohol during the day due to a busy schedule and waking up at dawn for the first photos, there are exceptions to the rule. “No question of refusing a courtesy drink when you arrive in a new place or at a gala”, would like to point out Cécile Bados. Among the other rules to follow to ensure the image of the Misses: upright posture. “When I see one sagging, I tell him ‘Meerkat!’”, she confides to the Parisian. Other rules also reinforce the academic side of the competition, such as the obligation of formal address. “It was Sylvie Tellier who was very keen on it, and that’s a very good thing, because it allows a distance and a mark of respect”, says the manager. It remains to be seen whether this principle will continue to be applied. in the years to come.


Culture, fashion, sport, health, gastronomy, many subjects fascinate Louise, especially when they relate to societal issues. From the latest fashion show to the new series release, she dissects the news and…

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