What The Finance ?: Real Estate Financing: How Much House Can I Afford?

What The Finance?
Real estate financing: how much house can I afford?

© Focke Strangmann Photos

Hey, welcome to the first episode of the three-part real estate finance series from What The Finance, with Anissa hosting this podcast.

Buying an apartment or a house – how does it actually work? What should I put attention on? What can I really afford? This series is dedicated to these questions in three episodes with different interview partners in order to get as many different perspectives and answers as possible.

This first episode starts with a conversation with Dr. Annabel Oelmann, she is the board member of the consumer advice center in Bremen and therefore an independent consultant. It explains how you can find out what you can actually afford, which questions you should answer yourself before looking for a property and which terms and technical terms you should definitely know and understand.

Here is "What The Finance?"
The podcast can be heard on AudioNow, Spotify and iTunes. Anissa publishes content on Instagram for each episode so that listeners can discuss, ask questions and network among the posts. There are also tips for further financial reading on gettotext.de and the financial events of the BRIGITTE Academy.