What to do with buckwheat or buckwheat flour? 35 sweet or savory recipes, to discover to use it well: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Buckwheat or buckwheat flour: Breton but not only

If with us, buckwheat or buckwheat flour evokes Breton gastronomy, and more precisely, the savory pancakes that are tasted at the crêperie with a bowl of cider, it turns out that this flour is also traditionally used in cooking for blinis, in Russia in parts of Eastern Europe, or, always in these same regions, for kacha, an invigorating porridge. Even more exotic, this flour is also consumed in Japan, where it is used as a basic ingredient in the manufacture of soba pasta.

Buckwheat or buckwheat flour: why you should prefer flour from Brittany IGP

To be sure that you are buying flour that is truly native to Brittany, prefer packets of flour sold under the name "Black wheat flour from Brittany® IGP", which guarantees you a qualitative follow-up of the product throughout the chain, in a production and processing area located in Brittany, with its own cultivation without the use of phytosanitary products.

⋙ Gluten-free lasagna recipe with buckwheat pancakes

Buckwheat or buckwheat flour: an ally for gluten-free

In addition to its particular flavor which delights gourmets, buckwheat or buckwheat flour is also renowned for its natural gluten-free composition, which is why it is appreciated by intolerant people or by those who practice a diet limited in gluten. Noted that buckwheat flour contains about 340 kcal per 100 g, which is much the same as wheat flour.

⋙ Galettes: how to make buckwheat pancakes, and 34 great recipes

Buckwheat flour or buckwheat: what is the price in the supermarket?

Buckwheat flour is sold more expensive than wheat flour. In the supermarket, it takes around 2 € per kg for basic flour and 6.50 € per kg for organic flour. So much so that in industrial products, it is sometimes mixed with wheat flour which contains gluten. Gluten intolerant people will therefore have to check the ingredient list of the products they buy to be sure.

⋙ Quinoa, buckwheat, spelled… How to cook these healthy cereals?

Buckwheat or buckwheat flour: how to store it properly?

Like all flours, buckwheat or buckwheat flour can be stored in an airtight container, protected from insects and in a dry place and if possible rather cool. In hot weather, you can even store it in the refrigerator, where it will keep its freshness longer.

Buckwheat or buckwheat flour: the dough recipe for a 100% buckwheat pancake

For a cake dough made from 100% buckwheat flour, mix 200 g of buckwheat flour (buckwheat) and 5 g of salt in a bowl. Gradually add 40 cl of water, mixing with a whisk. Film and let stand 1 hour minimum. Add 30 g of melted butter, before cooking the dough in a buttered pan.

Buckwheat flour or buckwheat: the bread recipe

As buckwheat flour is not breadmaking (used alone, it does not make it possible to obtain a dough that will rise when cooked), it will be necessary to combine it with another type of flour. In the bowl of the food processor, fitted with the dough hook, pour 100 g of buckwheat flour, 150 g of T65 wheat flour and ½ sachet of dehydrated baker's yeast. Mix by adding 15 cl of water and 1 pinch of salt. When the dough forms a ball, remove the bowl from the food processor, cover it with a cloth (clean, of course) and let the dough rise at room temperature. It will double in size. Then put it in an oiled mold and bake for about 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 210 ° C. (th. 7).

Buckwheat or buckwheat flour: our sweet and savory recipes

Fondant cake with hazelnuts and chocolate, tomato tart, apple clafoutis, forest pancake with raw ham, Breton puck, vegan chocolate waffles or pancake makis with salmon … Discover all our buckwheat flour-based recipes, for treat.

It is excellent for health: discover the 6 virtues of buckwheat (and how to prepare it!)

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⋙ Egg, milk, flour: 3 ingredients, 5 recipes

⋙ What flour for my pancakes?

⋙ New very trendy flours

⋙ Galettes: how to make buckwheat pancakes, and 34 great recipes