What to remember from Emmanuel Macron’s letter to the French before the march against anti-Semitism

Alexandre Chauveau, edited by Philippe Folgado // Photo credit: Ludovic MARIN / POOL / AFP

“Whatever its nature, anti-Semitism is always as Émile Zola presented it: odious,” writes the President of the Republic. In a letter to the French revealed by our colleagues from Parisian Today in France, Emmanuel Macron sees in the demonstrations organized tomorrow “a reason for hope against anti-Semitism”.

The President of the Republic will not go to the march against anti-Semitism on Sunday in Paris, just like Jean-Luc Mélenchon. But he wanted to express himself to the French through a letter, published in the columns of Parisian Today in France. The head of state begins by describing the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7 as “barbarism”. Recalling in passing France’s action to free the hostages, still in the hands of the Palestinian Islamist movement.

“We want the unity of the French”

Emmanuel Macron then describes the consequences of this attack in France, with the resurgence of anti-Semitism. “More than a thousand acts were committed in one month,” recalls the Head of State, three times more than last year as a whole. “A France where our Jewish fellow citizens are afraid is not France,” writes the president, who recalls that the place of anti-Semitism is, “in front of the courts or behind bars.”

The President of the Republic, who maintains a balancing position on the situation in the Middle East, who called on Israel on Friday evening for a ceasefire, writes that “we want justice, peace and security for the people of Israel, for the Palestinian people and for the States of the region. We want the unity of the French.” He is also careful not to fuel community tensions in the country. “This fight against anti-Semitism must never divide us, nor ever lead to pitting some of our compatriots against others,” concludes Emmanuel Macron.

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