what was really his relationship with Lady Di?


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If the tensions between Lady Diana and Prince Charles have somewhat tainted the relationship that the Princess of Wales had with Elizabeth II, the Queen of England had more affection for her than it seemed.

Relations between Elizabeth II and Lady Diana have not always been looking good. However, everything had started well between the two women. Coming from a family close to royalty, Diana Spencer was the perfect candidate to marry Prince Charles, the queen’s son. Her father having been equerry to the sovereign and her two grandmothers ladies-in-waiting to the queen mother, Lady Diana was far from being a stranger to Elizabeth. She also grew up in the Sandringham estate alongside Princes Andrew and Edward, closer to her in age than the one she married. Although the latter had thirteen less than Charles, she was worthy to marry the heir to the throne. Initially, the relationship between Elizabeth II and Lady Diana was rather cordial, simply “governed by the fact that she was married to her eldest son and a future monarch”recalls Andrew Morton, author of the biography Diana: Her True Story in Her Own Words.

The Princess of Wales was just 21 when she married Charles, she was therefore somewhat in awe of Her Majesty. Every time she saw her, she took care of respect the formalities by making a big bow. The more her popularity with the British people climbed, the more Elizabeth II let go of ballast. This had notably allowed her to represent the royal family at the funeral of Princess Grace, whom she had however rarely seen. The Queen of England made him more and more confidenceeven inviting her to drink tea with her without her son necessarily being present.

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How Lady Diana and Prince Charles’ divorce impacted the Princess’ relationship with Elizabeth II

Unfortunately, their relationship began to deteriorate as tensions between Charles and Diana escalated. Their private life, punctuated by their extramarital affairs, began to be exposed to the general public, seriously tarnishing the reputation of the royal family. The queen showed herself to be less and less gentle with the young woman, preferring to take her son’s side and ordering them to divorce. At that time, the Princess of Wales, already the mother of Princes Charles and William, could rely on the precious support of Prince Philip. The latter has always been benevolent towards her, even offering to take on the role of “mediator” between her and Prince Charles.

When Diana visited the Queen at this time, she always came out in tears, as biographer Ingrid Steward explains. However, it was when the princess was the victim of a car accident in 1997 that we understood how much Elizabeth II had an attachment for her. During his funeral, the Sovereign returned to him a vibrant tribute that testified to his affection for her : “She was an exceptional and gifted human being. In good times and bad, she never lost her ability to smile, laugh or inspire others with her warmth and kindness. I admired and respected her… especially for her devotion to her two boys.”

Marjorie Raynaud

A true jack-of-all-trades, Marjorie can both talk about the royal family and the latest series… What she likes is telling facts, deciphering the smallest details…

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