What would women do if there weren't any men for a day?

A society made up only of women or men? Certainly a terrible thought for most people! Because even if we ignore the biological aspect of reproduction, men and women, on the whole, complement each other relatively well. But what would our imagination produce if we limited the said performance to a single day, i.e. 24 hours completely without the opposite sex …?

Men would miss, women would enjoy their freedom

Influencer Isabell Gerstenberger called on her followers to do exactly this thought experiment. In her story, she asked the men, "What would you do if there weren't any women for 24 hours?" and to women like "What would you do if there were no men for 24 hours?" As harmless and funny as this mind game appears at first glance, the answers Isabell received to her survey make us thoughtful and serious.

While the contributions of the men were largely in the direction of "do everything as always" and "miss women" – apart from a few outliers, which would first gamble extensively, smoke shisha or starve (wow, starving in 24 hours you have to manage first !) – the answers of the women showed a fundamentally different picture.

Numerous users said independently of one another that they would go for a walk at night without fear, and "wear what I want" was a common thought.

In contrast to the men surveyed, who apparently hardly feel impaired by the presence of women in our society (apart from the fact that they cannot gamble and smoke pipes so relaxed), a large number of the women surveyed seem to be in feeling restricted and insecure of their freedom.

Fear is less directed against men than violence

This finding should make us all think. It shows the divisive and stressful effects it has on our society that issues such as sexual violence, harassment and rape against women are still not adequately treated and that corresponding offenses are punished far too rarely and far too mildly.

Although a very large majority of men treat women with respect and appreciation and give us no reason to be fearful or insecure, those who do not and get away with it pollute our togetherness and our world. No gender can change that alone, only both together.

In our gallery you will find voices from women from the social networks and from our editorial team on the discussion initiated by Isabell. The motive of fear or freedom also plays a role there – but some women seem to think in a completely different direction in a manless world …