What you need to know about psych sessions reimbursed for all from this Tuesday

On the strength of its desire to better take care of mental health after months of anxiety-provoking health crisis, the government inaugurates this Tuesday the reimbursement of psychiatric sessions for French people of all ages.

The device had been expected for several months, demanded in unison by psychologists. In September 2021, Emmanuel Macron proudly announced it, it comes into force on Tuesday. All French people, of all ages, will be able to be reimbursed for eight sessions per year with a psychologist who is a partner of the government operation.

The executive had set up in February 2021 a “psy check” for students, supplemented in mid-April 2021 by “a 100% child psy package” for 3-17 year olds. Its objective: to prevent anxiety disorders from succeeding the health crisis, which has had deleterious effects on the mental health of the French. Because, for the time being, psychological care remains marginal. Only one in three people with depression is followed by a health professional, according to a September 2021 survey unveiled by the National Union of Families or Friends of Sick and / or Mentally Disabled People (Unafam) and the Pierre-Deniker Foundation .

Concretely, what is it?

All French people over the age of 3 will be able to obtain reimbursement by Social Security for eight sessions with the psychologist. To benefit from it, several conditions must nevertheless be met. The patient must first go through the doctor’s box and ask his general practitioner for a medical prescription. Then, he will have to consult a psychologist listed on the MonPsy website. On the eve of the launch, there are more than 1,300 practitioners who are candidates for registration on the said platform, rejoices the entourage of the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran. Once “doctor’s guidance” received, the patient will be able to benefit from an evaluation interview with his psychologist, then seven sessions per year. All paid for by health insurance.

Who can benefit from it?

The device is intended for French people suffering from depressive and anxiety disorders of intensity “mild to moderate”, details the MonPsy platform. The Ameli site specifies that the children and adolescents concerned must be “in a situation of ill-being or psychological suffering of mild to moderate intensity, which may cause concern in those around you (family, school environment, doctor, etc.)”. For adults over the age of 18, patients must be “in psychic suffering with an anxiety disorder of mild to moderate intensity; mild to moderate depressive disorder; misuse of tobacco, alcohol and/or cannabis (excluding addiction); an eating disorder without severity criteria.

For people plagued by thoughts “suicidal” or trouble “more severe”, the Ministry of Health specifies that the patient will be referred to more specialized care. In total, the ministry plans to take care of around 200,000 individuals.

To finance the device, it puts this year on the table an envelope of 50 million euros. “The pandemic has revealed the importance of the subject of mental health. Your professions deserve consideration,” declared in September the Head of State at the end of the Assizes of mental health and psychiatry.

How much will the refund be?

The first session will be reimbursed up to 40 euros and the following ones up to 30 euros. Olivier Véran affirms that the calculation of reimbursements took into account the average duration of a session, estimated at “about forty minutes”. Social Security covers 60% of the costs and complementary health insurance 40%.

A measure considered effective?

Many psychologists consider the device insufficient. On March 29, more than 2,000 therapists – a figure estimated by the group of psychologists – signed a forum in Le Monde, calling for a boycott of the “MonPsy” platform, considered as “window dressing”. They also believe that the device excludes the most serious psychological disorders.

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