WhatsApp competes with Zoom and Google Meet after this major update

WhatsApp instant messaging is updating and strengthening its video calling function. It is now capable of serving as a serious alternative to Zoom, FaceTime or Google Meet.

WhatsApp group calls

Certainly, WhatsApp wants to know how to do everything. Over the years, the service has become much more than a simple instant messaging. The features added over time have made it a versatile platform, which can be used to write to friends, call each other, post statuses like on a social networkeven communicate with your work teams. In this last case, the possibility of make video calls with others plays a very important role. Metawhich owns WhatsApp, has understood this well since the latest update emphasizes it.

Visibly wishing to walk on the flowerbeds of Zoom, FaceTime Or Google MeetWhatsApp has 3 notable new features in terms of videoconferencing :

  • Call more people via video call : until now, it was possible to launch a video call with up to 32 people only if everyone was on mobile. On Windows, the limit dropped to 16. It is now 32 on all devices.
  • Share your screen with audio : this function spotted in December 2023 is officially deployed. WhatsApp explains that it is “the ideal solution for watching videos together“.
  • Highlight the person speaking : Knowing who is speaking when 32 people are on the call can be difficult. From now on, it will be placed first in the list and highlighted to better identify it.

WhatsApp becomes an alternative to Zoom or FaceTime for video calls

These are not the only new features. To improve call quality, WhatsApp launches MLow codec. Thanks to him, “Mobile calls will benefit from better noise and echo cancellation in noisy environments, and video calls will have better resolution at broadband speeds. The sound will be cleaner overall, even if you have poor network connectivity or are using an older device“.

Read also – WhatsApp completely changes its look on iOS and Android, here are the new features

With all these additions, the Meta application is catching up with the competition. Note that you won’t necessarily see them right away since they will be deployed across several updates.over the next few weeks“, without further details.

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