WhatsApp faux pas: 5 communication mistakes that can destroy your relationship

With these 5 WhatsApp mistakes you will destroy your relationship

© Dean Drobot / Shutterstock

As practical as WhatsApp is: sometimes it only causes trouble – and in the worst case even destroys the relationship. You should definitely not do this when chatting.

A life without Whatsapp? Hard to imagine! Just send a photo or funny video, plan the purchase or send a heart icon – everything is wonderful. But there are a few chat faux pas that are pure poison for the relationship. At first glance they seem harmless – but they can start a huge fight. You should definitely avoid these five things.

5 WhatsApp mistakes that are hurting your relationship

1. Suddenly stopped using smileys

Actually, it has become routine that you put an emoji after every joke? Then it seems strange when it is suddenly missing. A little teasing like “Sport isn’t exactly your favorite pastime” can quickly turn into a reproach. And boom, the WhatsApp love trap has snapped shut! If you forget to choose a little yellow guy: You can also send smileys afterwards.

2. End ambiguous sentences with three dots

She writes: “Then go away with the boys…” He thinks: Um yes, does that translate to “I agree” or “If you do that, can you sleep on the sofa for the next time?” Oh dear, there’s a needless argument coming! Why are three points so dangerous? Because they leave a lot of room for interpretation – and can cause a lot of misunderstandings. It’s better to only use it for harmless sentences like “I’ll call it a day then…”!

3. Waiting too long to reply

Everyone knows it. You write something dear to your partner or ask a question, and then nothing comes back for ever. Worst of all, the two blue ticks also indicate that he or she has received and READ the message. Ouch!

What is more important than me now, you might ask. Sure, in a job meeting you don’t start typing around on your cell phone. And being in a relationship doesn’t mean being available anytime, anywhere. But keeping your partner waiting all day seems simply disrespectful. Usually there is time in between to send at least a small smiley.

Tip: It’s smart to tell your loved one if you’re hard to reach for a day. Then he or she will understand if the answer doesn’t come promptly.

4. Discuss sensitive topics via chat

Just clarify via WhatsApp what you want for dinner? No problem! But getting lost in long discussions about visiting the in-laws is always dangerous! It’s too easy to get caught up in a vicious cycle of misunderstandings. In addition, arguments over the cell phone not only cost a lot of nerves and data volume, but also time.

5. Misinterpretation of the tone

It’s normal to say something during an argument that you later regret. This is particularly tricky in chat, because once an insult is sent, it’s forever! And your loved one may not only read it once, but stumble over the wording at least a second and third time. That hurts and burns into your memory! If you are angry, you should put your cell phone aside for a while.


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