WhatsApp: How to use voice messages as a ringtone


You received a nice WhatsApp voice message and want to use it as a ringtone? We’ll show you how this is possible on iPhone and Android phones.

A contact serenaded you via voice message on WhatsApp and you would like to use this as a ringtone? This is possible on both Android phones and iPhones, but sometimes requires a bit of effort. We guide you through the process.

Use whatsapp voice message as ringtone on android phones

On Android phones, it’s easy to do. Because you can access the memory of the smartphone directly here. In the linked tutorial, we explain how you can find WhatsApp voice messages there.

In a further guide, we will then show you an example of how you can set up your own music as a ringtone on an Android cell phone.

A notice: WhatsApp saves voice messages in the “Opus” file format, you may have to convert the file to MP3 format before you can use it as a ringtone on your cell phone. Corresponding audio converters can be found in our download archive.

In another tutorial we will show you how to convert voice messages to text.

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