WhatsApp is inspired by Snapchat and limits the possibility of taking screenshots


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WhatsApp puts a bit more emphasis on data protection and privacy. The messaging application, a cousin of Facebook Messenger, will soon inherit new features that are supposed to better protect its users. It was Mark Zuckerberg himself who announced it on his Facebook page — of course —, explaining that he wanted to continue developing “new ways to protect your messages and make them as private and safe as one-to-one conversations“.

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Among these news “privacy features“, we find in particular the blocking of screenshots for the sharing of ephemeral media. Concretely, this means that if one of your contacts shares a “single view” photo, you will not be able to take a screenshot of screen to save it to your phone’s memory. If you have ever used Snapchat, you must have already encountered this kind of functionality. Inspired by the social network, WhatsApp will therefore inform you that “screenshot functionality has been blocked for privacy” when trying to save ephemeral content.

Until then, WhatsApp did not block screenshots, aware that there are always devious ways to save photos. The app simply preferred to warn that the single view feature did not protect against abuse. And while that’s still the case (you can take a picture of your phone with another phone, for example), WhatsApp has changed its stance anyway, offering maximum protection for ephemeral media. Unlike Snapchat, however, no alert will be sent to the sender of the message if the recipient tries to take a screenshot.

Quietly leave group conversations

Single-view photos, which as the name suggests aren’t meant to be viewed more than once, can be sent on WhatsApp since last year. Just click on the little “1” icon when sending the content. Your recipient will then have to click on the message informing them that ephemeral content has been sent to them, and once the photo has been viewed, it will disappear into web limbo. The rollout of the Screenshot Protection feature hasn’t started yet and no specific date has been announced, but it should happen soon.

More privacy-related tools are expected to come to WhatsApp soon. The ability to hide your online status, which we told you about recently, should for example arrive very soon on iOS and Android applications. Leaving a group conversation can also be done more discreetly very soon, since it will no longer send notifications to all participants. Only the administrators will be informed.

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