WhatsApp: New feature silences gossips


Group calls on WhatsApp become problematic when individual chatterers just won’t settle down. Now you can silence them with a new feature.

WhatsApp introduces new group calling feature (Source: Will Cathcart, head of Meta via Twitter)

With a recent update, developers added a new group calling feature to WhatsApp. If a member of your group gets too talkative, all you have to do is click on their profile window to mute the person.

Of course, only the creator of the WhatsApp group call has this right. From now on, you can also quickly eliminate annoying background murmurs. If this procedure is too drastic for you, you can discreetly notify a person beforehand and tell them to turn off their microphone.

Information about the relevant update said WhatsApp boss Will Cathcart via Twitter. If a person is completely unwanted, you can use WhatsApp’s new admin feature to exclude them from the chat altogether.

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