WhatsApp: Sayings for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s greetings 2023/2024


If you’re at a loss for words, you no longer have to tear your hair out, we have the right New Year’s Eve saying with which you can spice up your WhatsApp New Year’s greeting.

Wish your loved ones all the best for the New Year! (Source: -Baks-/depositphotos.com)

  1. Happy New Year in different languages

  2. Original New Year’s greetings for WhatsApp, Facebook and Co.

  3. WhatsApp sayings: supplies for New Year’s Eve and New Year

Goodbye 2023! “Happy New Year” and “Happy New Year” sound too trite for this New Year’s celebration? Then you are exactly right here. We have collected funny, warm and lovable New Year’s Eve sayings for you that will enrich your New Year’s greetings via WhatsApp, Facebook and Co. You can simply copy these and send them to your loved ones.

Happy New Year in different languages

For example, just say the same thing in a different language. Below you can find out how to wish Happy New Year in other European countries:

  • Spanish – ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
  • French – bonne année!!
  • Dutch – Gelukkig nieuwjaar
  • Danish – godt nytår!
  • Polish – szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!

Original New Year’s greetings for WhatsApp, Facebook and Co.

Best resolution: celebrate New Year’s Eve properly first, and look further next year!

Here’s to a new one and raise your cups – if I lose you, I won’t be able to believe it.

I wish you a glass of wine for every problem in the new year to tide you over until you find a solution.

3… 2… 1… bang, the old year is over! I wish you even more success in the new year!

A difficult year ends. Now things can only get better. Here’s to a great 2024!

The old year will be gone tomorrow, a happy new year at midnight. The New Year should bring you luck, for health, heart and other things…

Only the best for you! The corks pop, the rockets echo, the old year says goodbye. I wish only the best for you in the future!

Sun, moon and stars, everything is far away, but the good thing is very close – a happy and beautiful New Year!

The stars shine so clearly in our sky, I wish you a happy holiday and a happy new year!

The clock strikes twelve at midnight. Cheers, cheers! – It is finished. Everyone celebrates loudly and everyone looks up at the stars. Fireworks in the sky, but you next to me are my whole world.

I don’t need good intentions. The old ones are practically untouched!‍

Live! Laugh! Love! Save this recipe! Make the New Year a celebration that lets you enjoy life!

Happy New Year and may your good resolutions outlast your hangover.

New Year’s Eve or not – you’re a badass. Happy New Year 2024!

WhatsApp sayings: supplies for New Year’s Eve and New Year

The old year will soon be over, now New Year’s Eve is coming, making everything new! I wish you that the new year will be better than the old one.

On New Year’s Eve there is a lot of going on. The fireworks are also enjoyed. People often shoot themselves and many hope that the new year will be better than the old one. Happy New Year.

The old year is now over, the new one is already approaching. It should bring you happiness and prosperity and may you succeed in everything.

The clock is about to strike 12, it’s almost over again, let’s say goodbye to the old year with a kiss. Let’s welcome the New Year with good friends, a glass of champagne and full of confidence.

A new year brings new happiness. We move in cheerfully and don’t look back, but forward! forward! Should be our motto.

If the old year was successful, then look forward to the new one. And if it was bad, then even more so. (Albert Einstein)

From a distance this wish: Happy stars and good punch. (Theodor Fontane)

Let’s go into the new year with fresh courage! Our love and loyalty should be old, our hope should be new. (August Heinrich Hoffmann)

New Year’s night, quiet and clear, portends a good year.

Once again the earth was able to rotate around the sun once again. Glad you were there!

Slide over well, don’t slip, hopefully you won’t have a hangover in 2024!

A good saying isn’t enough for you? You can also add a suitable image or video to your greetings or generate a suitable GIF and download and send it.

We will also show you how you can plan and send messages on a time-controlled basis on WhatsApp etc.

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