When Fortnite becomes a black and white movie

Fortnite has a reputation for being a favorite game for younger people, but yesterday a Reddit user decided to age the game by nearly a century. raw theory indeed had the good idea to embed a black and white film filter on a Fortnite game clip. The result is stunning, and it really feels like one of the first short films of the 1920s. The video has aroused great enthusiasm on social networks.

Cartoon skins as main actors

In the clip, raw theory plays in a squad, and his secret to make the clip seem so old school is that the team ONLY uses skins cartoon black and white. As a reminder, several Fortnite characters have, since the end of Chapter 2, received “cartoonish” variants. On the video, we can see the protagonist embodied by the cartoon Broussaille skin, but also other characters from the game, such as Meowthkey or the Banana.

In Chapter 2 Season 8, Epic Games even made fish cartoon one of the star skins of the Battle Pass. It is also not excluded that more Fortnite characters will gradually be declined in a cartoon style, over the coming seasons.

A real work of atmosphere

The success of Theorybrut’s clip can also be explained by certain details that give the video a real charm. In addition to the black and white filter, we will notice the choice of music as well as the dances performed by the characters. Perhaps the game itself should also have been muted, and the illusion would no doubt have been perfect.

One of Ubisoft’s most famous licenses is about to set foot on Epic Games’ Battle Royale. In any case, this is what the dataminers predict, after the last decryptions of the current patch.

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