When hair loss starts suddenly

More than 80 percent of men in Europe will experience hair loss at some point in their lives. The hair transplant business is booming. “NZZ Format” accompanies men in their search for more hair. And one who can live well with his bald head.

Stream the full length documentary here:

That’s what the documentary is about

More than 80 percent of men in Europe will experience hair loss at some point in their lives. A third of 30-year-olds are now at least partially bald. Accordingly, the business with hair transplants is booming, as is the range of supposed hair restorers. But the desire for a life without a bald head also drives many men to take medication, the side effects of which are often underestimated. The dream of having a head of hair turned into a nightmare for her. “NZZ Format” accompanied men in their search for more hair. And one who can live well with his bald head.

«NZZ format»: Documentary films from the «Neue Zürcher Zeitung»:
Every Thursday at 11:05 p.m. on SRF 1 and Sundays at 7:10 p.m. on 3sat.
Stream other full-length “NZZ Format” films here.

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