When is most people's birthday?

As we all know, we unfortunately cannot choose our birthday, otherwise it would be June 21st for most northern hemisphere residents – after all, this is the brightest day of the year. On the other hand, our world would be pretty boring if we were all twins … nothing against twins, of course they are great! But without the other eleven zodiac signs, something would simply be missing. So as stupid as it is for the winter children to have to celebrate their birthday in the mud, cold and six hours of daylight, it is probably for our best that birthdays are distributed throughout the year and more or less random.

Nevertheless, we all share our birthday with so many other people – with a maximum of only 366 days a year and more than 7 billion people on Earth, it just doesn't stop there. Mathematically speaking, 50 people have a 90 percent chance of having at least two of them birthdays on the same day. With 23 people it is at least 50 percent. However, when it comes to the question of how "mainstream" our date of birth is, it actually matters when exactly we saw the light of day – because according to a study by Harvard University from 1973 to 1999, some days are much more frequented than other.

September children are in good company

The month with the highest birth rate by far is therefore September: Most people have birthdays on September 16, according to the Harvard investigation, second most on September 9th and third most on September 10th. The Virgo zodiac sign has an above average lobby in our society. Comparatively many birthdays are also celebrated in the surrounding months of July, August and early October. The following figure provides an overview of the distribution of birthdays over the year. Dark brown tones stand for many birthdays, light ones for few (you can find an interactive graphic of this illustration at "vizwiz.com").

Why is September so fertile?

Anyone who is good at mental arithmetic is probably wondering why people apparently produce children more often in December than in other months – because from September nine months back we land exactly in Sagittarius month. The answer to this question can of course only be guessed: Perhaps many people have sex in December instead of jogging outside. Or to remove excess energy from all the cookies and chocolate they eat. Some may put Advent in the mood, others mulled wine and others may not know how to get through the long nights … One thing is certain: in December there are obviously many good reasons for many people to have sex . And as long as there is enough in the other months, we have no problem with that! ?