when is the right time to get pregnant?

You want to start a pregnancy and the questions are popping up in your head. What are you lacking are the precise answers to concrete questions like: when to stop the pill? When can you get pregnant? How do you know if you are ovulating? When to worry if it doesn't work To help you, we answer your questions directly.

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At what point in the cycle can you get pregnant?

We are not fertile all the time! Our ability to get pregnant only occurs once during our menstrual cycle, 3 to 5 days before and 1 day after ovulation.

But how do you know when you are ovulating?

Ovulation takes place 14 days before the next period, around the 14th day for a 28-day cycle, around the 21st day for a 35-day cycle. Some women feel congestion in the lower abdomen or have an abundant mucus emission… But they constitute a minority, because in general, we do not know it intuitively. To help you determine the best time to get pregnant, there are several methods:

– The calculation for cycles regular, simple and effective method (14 days before the next period).

Ovulation tests : they detect the presence of the hormone LH (luteinizing hormone) in the urine. It is this hormone that causes the egg to be released each month. You can do this test a few days before the middle of your cycle.

To find out if you are ovulating, take an ovulation test, there are different models. Here is our selection:
-ClearBlue Digital ovulation test usable up to 10 times
– 50 One + Step ovulation test strips
– 20 Femometer ovulation test strips working with a smart app that automatically recognizes test results
-50 ovulation test strips + Diagnos urine cups

– Theobservation of cervical mucus, whose consistency becomes more and more fluid and stringy as ovulation approaches

– The temperature curve : restrictive method, it consists in taking your temperature with a body thermometer every morning. After ovulation, it increases slightly. But many factors can interfere with the curve and only 40% to 50% of the curves can be used.

To observe your temperature curve make sure you have a reliable thermometer (no frontal bands for example).
Our selection :
– CtopoGo waterproof thermometer with flexible tip, from € 7.99
– Ultra precise multifunctional digital Femometer basal thermometer (1/100 degree), to determine your fertile period by monitoring your temperature with the application, from € 9.99

When is the best time to get pregnant?

The best time to get pregnant is when you feel great and, if possible, you have no ongoing treatment. Because certain drugs act on the hormones involved in ovulation but also on the uterus and on the quality of the oocytes. If you are taking treatment and want to get pregnant, ask your doctor for advice.
Another thing to know, for men, be aware that fertility varies throughout the year. Sperm are more mobile from late summer until early winter. It is therefore at this time that the design would be the most suitable …

Top 3 little nudges that can promote pregnancy (validated by young mothers)

– "Become aware of your fertility: How to manage your fertility in a reliable and natural way, by Rose Bianchi

– Gestarelle G3: Capsules to prepare your body for pregnancy. Contains folic acid, iodine, iron, omega 3 as well as 10 vitamins and minerals, from € 22

– Conceptio: 30 capsules and 30 capsules, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, DHA, Zinc, and vitamins of group B, C and E necessary to contribute to fertility, 30-day cure, from € 12.85

Does the pill prevent you from getting pregnant quickly?

Normally you can get pregnant without any problem after stopping the pill. For this, you must stop the pill at the end of the pack. Artificial periods will appear, then a new natural cycle will be put in place, with the possibility of fertilization from the first ovulation.

However, you have to be patient: if some women are pregnant as soon as they stop taking the pill (even after years of contraception), others have to wait for months without this delay being abnormal.

Wait to be paid regularly

Because your menstrual cycles have been managed artificially for a while, it may take a few months for your body to return to its natural cycles. In fact, the first cycles after stopping the pill can be chaotic, and you may bleed a little outside of your period. For this reason, specialists advise to wait at least 1 month, the time for the body to be adjusted correctly, and for the lining of the uterus to regain its normal thickness.

How to know if you are pregnant ?

How do you know if you are sterile?

90% of women are pregnant after one year. No need to worry if you don't get pregnant within months of stopping all birth control pills.

When to consult?

After a year of unsuccessful trials, you may consider seeing a doctor. See a doctor after 6 months if your cycles are very irregular, if you have a chronic disease, or if you are over 35 (in women, fertility peaks at 24 and then declines).

The causes of infertility are numerous. And other factors can explain the difficulty in getting pregnant: the age of the partners, the frequency of sexual intercourse … If the practitioner thinks there is a risk of infertility, he will carry out various examinations.

To detect infertility in women:
– Ultrasound to examine the uterus and ovaries.
– Hormonal dosages.
– Analysis of cervical mucus.
– Hünher test (examination of cervical mucus after intercourse) to study the vitality of sperm in the mucus.
– Blood tests (to detect possible infections).
– X-ray of the uterus and tubes (hysterosalpingography).
– Cervical smear to detect any abnormalities …
– Serological examinations, to detect possible infections

To detect sterility in humans:
– Spermogram to study the volume and quality of sperm.
– Spermoculture to look for possible germs.
– Hormonal dosages
– Serological examinations
At the end of these various analyzes, your doctor will diagnose or not a possible infertility in you or your companion. He will inform you about the various steps to follow to remedy it.

Some sources to deepen the subject:
INSERM study on couples' fertility
What to know before you get pregnant
General pattern of ovulation

Also discover:
– Simply calculate your ovulation date
– How do I know if I'm ovulating? signs to know
– Ovulation and fertile period: do you know how to recognize them?
– Cervical mucus: what is it for?
– One in two couples are trying to conceive at the WRONG TIMES