when the postpartum body turns new mothers upside down

This brand new body that we do not know … we will have to learn to accept it and why not love it! After all, it was thanks to him that we were able to give birth to life.

Some studies agree that a woman would need at least a year to recover from childbirth, both mentally and physically. Because you have to live it to understand it, giving birth is usually the most incredible experience a mother will have in her life, but it is not without consequences for her body.

Indeed, after giving birth, you discover a whole new self, which you will have to get used to. Society in general is also not moving in the direction of acceptance since it conveys the image of a woman who must regain her initial weight in a few days and without too much effort. But the reality is quite different! To help young mothers stop the guilt, some personalities do not hesitate to regularly speak out about this embellished reality. Last August, former Miss France 2007 Rachel Legrain-Trapani shared a photo of herself in a bikini a month after the birth of her second child. "I feel like my body is a battlefield," she confessed.

"Not everything is rainbow and butterflies"

For those around them, it can sometimes be difficult to understand that after giving birth, a woman does not want to show off, to put on a swimsuit, to be photographed … And for good reason, the changes on his body are visible. The fatigue of the first months of baby does not help matters and it often happens that we cannot accept its new forms and brands.

Last February, model Ashley Graham impressed the Internet by posting a photo of her post-childbirth body, where her stretch marks were well marked. "Even me. New stories," she wrote.

Even if this new reality is sometimes difficult to manage, let us remember that this body allowed us to grow our little baby, to give birth to him and to feed him. To all women, you are all beautiful, before or after your childbirth!