when will I receive interest in my savings?

In a few days, you will receive the interest generated in 2021 for your Livret A, your LDDS and other bank passbooks. But when, precisely? response elements.

If every month, or more precisely every fortnight, the savings placed in your passbooks generate interest, it is only once a year that they are paid to you. And the date is approaching since the interests of your Livret A, your Livret de développement durable et solidaire (LDDS) or your Livret d’pargne populaire (LEP) and more generally your tax passbooks usually arrive in the first week of January.

However, in detail, the payment date depends on banks. Some choose the first working day of the month to pay the previous year’s earnings. It falls this year January 3. Others calculate interest on the first working day but for a payment the next day. Another example, some establishments promise to unlock the winnings as of December 31. In other words: there is no single rule. Each brand pays interest according to its technical constraints and its commercial policy.

Value date on December 31

Rest assured: these shades are without impact on the profitability of your savings. Whether the banks pay the remuneration on December 31, January 2 or 4, the vast majority of brands retain the same value date: December 31. it’s about the end date to calculate your earnings.

With regard to home savings, the PEL and the CEL, banks usually proceed in the same way: value date December 31 and payment arriving during the first days of January.

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Concerning I’life insurance finally, the schedule is different. Savers must wait until mid-january, or even in February, to know the performance of their contract of the year running. On the other hand, the value date remains the same. Thus, the revaluation of your insurance that your broker will indicate to you in the coming weeks will be that in effect on December 31, 2021.

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