when will the government unveil its new reform?

This is one of the imposing files of the return. Pension reform will be on the menu of the National Council for Refoundation, a new body for dialogue wanted by Emmanuel Macron to launch several vast projects, including that of pensions. Then the government will put a reform on the table, probably in the fall.

One of the major projects of this second Macron five-year term… but probably not the highest priority for this return to 2022. Moreover, the president of Medef Geoffroy Roux de Bzieux, who qualified this reform as essential last June, has declared Monday, August 29 on France Inter: It’s not what you have to do on September 1st, when we have plenty of other problems (…) we do not want to relaunch the file at this stage and prefer to insist on the unemployment insurance project which has already been launched.

The 2022 version pension reform is not, however, relegated to oblivion, as was that sketched out during the previous five-year period, due to Covid-19. The Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne recalled on Monday that this project is indeed part of the files on the government’s table: For the balance of our system, we will gradually have to work a little longer. We will do so on the basis of hardship, long careers, job retention for seniors. (…) We will hold consultations starting in the fall.

The CNR… before getting to the heart of the matter in the fall

Before the fall, the question of pension reform will be addressed during the National Council for Refoundation (CNR), a new forum for dialogue wanted by Emmanuel Macron to launch several vast projects: school, health, public service, work… and therefore retire. The Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt more precisely detailed the timetable for the reform last Wednesday on France Info: the CNR initially, then discussions more specifically dedicated to pensions with the social partners autumn. Before, therefore, any tabling of a bill in Parliament.

Retirement : save by paying less tax. 11 contracts compared

65 year olds? There is no totem in matter

Is the decline in the legal retirement age to 65, from the current 62, announced by President-candidate Marcon last spring, negotiable? There is no totem in the matter, repeated Olivier Dussopt, referring to recent positions taken by Elisabeth Borne.

As a reminder, the legal age is now 62 but, today, it is often necessary to work longer to reach the age of the full rate. A full rate which is automatically acquired only at age 67.

Retirement: how much will you earn at 62, 65 or 67?

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