when Zazie accuses Bigflo of bribing the public

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This Saturday, May 6 kicked off the “cross-battles” of “The Voice” (TF1). A formidable test for the candidates and their coaches, who will stop at nothing to curry favor with the public.

A difficult new stage is coming for the talents of the twelfth season of The Voice (TF1). This Saturday, May 6, marked the launch of the cross-battles, which pit candidates from two different teams against each other. At the start of the show, host Nikos Aliagas explained the concept to the audience: “For every battle, I will call a coach who will choose one of his talents and then challenge another coach. The challenged coach will then choose one of his talents for the battle to follow. This means that the two named talents will sing one after the other. And then it will be up to the public here present to vote using a box. It is the most formidable test of the season for coaches and for talents.” A test already apprehended by the jurors Amel Bent, Zazie, Vianney and Bigflo and Oli, who had to part with some of their proteges.

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Asked by Nikos Aliagas, Bigflo took the opportunity to shower the public with compliments: “As soon as I got back here, and I don’t say this lightly: how beautiful are the members of the public this evening! An attempt at seduction which did not escape Zazie, which directly rebounded: “No, it’s not working. We do not bribe the public! she exclaimed. “I think they’re giving you the ointment. Monsieur is a strategist! It’s the first time, we’ve never had that in The Voicepointed out Nikos Aliagas. Which did not prevent Bigflo from insisting : “It hit me in the eye!” The host retorted by offering him with humor to go instead “distribute tickets, direct”. Oli gave a layer of it to tease his brother: “I saw an envelope in the dressing room, I wondered what it was for.”

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A special card game

Of the four teams, it is that of the duo of Toulouse rappers who was designated the first. The opportunity for Bigflo to show the public its new selection process: “I asked the prod to make me a little card game with my talents. […] It’s to visualize and be in the game.” Candidates are all entitled to a card with their portrait on it. An idea that can be explained by the rapper’s passion for the Pokémon card game.


Passionate about writing, Floréane is interested in a wide variety of subjects. When she’s not writing about current events, the environment or gender issues, she takes refuge under a blanket…

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